Real or virtual – BDSM in a modern world

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

“Real or virtual” is part of the series on BDSM and society

Is virtual BDSM fake? How can the internet be of assistance to the leather lifestyle? How do kinky people live? Are they open in their role or underground?

This time we take a look at the results of a small survey in order to find out something more about BDMS in regard to relationships and the internet.

Poll on Kink-in-Real-Life
In a recent opinion survey that I performed in the BDSM scene I asked a sampling of kinky folks: "Which is the challenge for your BDSM-lifestyle today – finding a suited partner, living with how you are, keeping your development going, online BDSM or other issues?"

Relationship challenges
In reply, over 5o percent of the interviewed kinky folk deemed relationships the greatest challenge. Persons with a medium appearance, or (severe) overweight more often had a troublesome relationship or even none at all. Persons of medium age (midlife) more often had relational issues as younger or older persons. They also more often had a vanilla partner. Good looking persons and switches seem to have fewer problems or are better in managing them. There was not found any relevance with regard to gender or sexual orientation.

Showing the kink
About one third lived their BDSM openly, leaving two thirds of the questioned with publically hiding their kinky urges. I found no differences with regard to being monogamous or polyamory, nor regarding sexual orientation. Transsexuals and woman more often show their BDSM urges in public.

None of the persons with a vanilla spouse or partner was able to openly show their kinky urges, which makes it likely that there is pressure from their partner to keep it hidden. Whether a person’s partner knows about their kinky urges or not seemed not of great influence on their relationship, but this may be a coincidence.

Online BDSM play
Around one third of the interviewed had some form of online BDSM scenes, with bottoms weighing in at 66 percent and tops and switches at 17 percent each. I assume that online play offers great possibility to try things out in an anonymous and save way. Remember that an alarming 1 on 3 kinky persons expressed to have experienced a consent violation while being with ‘offline’ contacts, which is not very encouraging to put your health and safety at stake (see:

Of those involved in online play, about the half of them was a novice in BDSM. The more experienced a person gets in real play, the less interest they show in online play. Of course all persons used the internet for information, communication with or searching for partners. Overall online sexual acts or BDSM was not seen as fake or inferior, but as limited by its virtual character; most of us, eventually, need skin on skin.

This survey had a limited number of participants so it likely is not significant for the whole BDSM population. Yet, as it is all based on true, reliable information from existing persons, it nevertheless shows us interesting things.

As I interviewed all the persons in a conversation, I was able to gather a lot of extra information, so here we go:

Sexual roadmap

Gender: females (50%), males (41%), ts/tv (9%)
Sexual orientation: heterosexual (64%), bi-sexual or same-sex (36%)


Current relation: Good (50%), None (32%), Difficult (9%), Bad (9%)
from which monogamous (77%), polyamory (23%)

BDSM preferences

BDSM Position: Bottom (41%), Switch (36%), Top (23%)
Urge: Sub (45%), Fetishist (23%), Sadist (14%), Maso (9%), Dominant (9%)

Skills: Experienced (41%), Medium (32%), Novice (27%)
Plays: Regularly (36%), Infrequent (36%), Never (18%), Seldom (10%)

(1) The stunningly high 50+ percent figure of kinky persons having problems in the relational sphere, confirms the analysis I offered in my former blog on ‘BDSM and public acceptance’ from May, that "it is thought that almost 85% of the people that are not in the BDSM lifestyle do think that there is something wrong with kinky persons." In half of the cases of the troubled relation, there is a vanilla partner. In 75% of the cases the kinky person is a submissive, whereas the gender plays no role. Particularly the group of persons of medium age seem vulnerable to getting involved in a midlife crisis, where it is to be seen if this is BDSM related at all.

Preliminary we could conclude that medium aged submissives are more vulnerable to having a not so good relationship or none at all, compared to other kinky persons.

(2) Those that are into BDSM often start with gathering information online and from books and find groups of people that can offer support. The more experienced one gets, the less interest is shown in chatting or exploring the topic; real meetings are then favoured over online contacts. An exception is made when the partner does not know about their BDSM urges. In general two thirds of those who play out some form of BDSM over the internet hide their urges from their partner.

(3) A small number of persons had problems with being as they are. This had partly to do with their past (broken relationships, religious trauma) or had to do with the transgender or polyamory issue. So seen; most interviewed persons had not problems with being kinky, as such. For those who had problems with kink as part of their lives, such problems were more of social nature, as of a sexual nature.

Concluding we can say that the internet partly took over the function of local BDSM support groups and is well suited to find others kinky persons, gathering information on BDSM and online purchase of play tools. It is of course less suited to gather actual physical BDSM experience or learning technique; for that we need to go out in the wild and meet, practise and learn with and from others.

One major issue not investigated in this blog is the alarming number of wanna-be’s and fakes on the web, or the lack of manners in online chats. After all, with our ‘friends’ on social media platforms, more often as not, we do not have any warrant for the accuracy of the supplied information. I am sometimes under the impression that fantasy is taken for real and is mixed up in stories in a way that goes against the sound and sane parts of our BDSM creed.

Not able to do a survey with thousands of people, I opted for a quality approach with real people involved in the real thing. The results may not be quite representative for the mass, but it is at least the reality of those that I questioned and as such the real deal (for them).

For all of you I wish that you belong to the happy 50% that are living their BDSM urges in an accepting environment and within a functioning relationship. For the less lucky, keep on searching for people that will support you, offer you practise or technical development and help you to stay safe and cool.

Greetings from the statistical office of the Dominions Court,

Sir Cameron

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